
By using refsopen in new window on the form-wizard component, you can access some internal wizard properties and methods. Some of them are intended for internal usage while others can be used for general purpose operations.

  • activateAll - will activate all steps as if the user went through all
  • activateTab(index) - Activates a tab by index
  • activateTabAndCheckStep(index) - Activates a tab by index and checks if the step can be activated
  • activeTabIndex - Returns the index of the active tab
  • addTab(tab) - Adds a tab to the wizard. The tab object should have the same structure as the tabs array
  • afterTabChange(oldIndex, newIndex) - Hook that is called after the tab change
  • backButtonText - Returns the back button text
  • beforeTabChange(oldIndex, newIndex) - Hook that is called before the tab change
  • changeTab(oldIndex, newIndex) - Navigates from one tab to another. Note that this method does not trigger validation methods. Use it with caution!
  • checkRouteChange() - Checks if the route has changed and navigates to the correct tab
  • color - Returns the color of the wizard
  • currentPercentage - Returns the current percentage of the wizard
  • deactivateTabs() - Deactivates all tabs
  • displayPrevButton - Returns if the previous button should be displayed
  • emitTabChange(oldIndex, newIndex) - Emits a tab change event
  • errorColor - Returns the error color of the wizard
  • executeBeforeChange(oldIndex, newIndex) - Executes the before change hook
  • fillButtonStyle - Returns the fill button style
  • finishButtonText - Returns the finish button text
  • focusNextTab() - Focuses the next tab
  • focusPrevTab() - Focuses the previous tab
  • focusNextTab - Returns if the buttons should be hidden
  • id - Returns the id of the wizard
  • initializeTabs() - Initializes the tabs
  • isLastStep - Returns if the current step is the last step
  • isVertical - Returns if the wizard is vertical
  • layout - Returns the layout of the wizard
  • loading - Returns if the wizard is loading
  • maxStep - Returns the maximum step
  • navigateToTab(index) - Navigates to a tab by index
  • nextButtonText - Returns the next button text
  • prevTab() - Navigates to the previous tab
  • progress - Returns the progress of the wizard
  • progressBarStyle - Returns the progress bar style
  • removeTab(index) - Removes a tab by index
  • reset() - Resets the wizard to the initial state
  • setLoading(loading) - Sets the loading state of the wizard
  • setValidationError(index, error) - Sets a validation error for a tab
  • shape - Returns the shape of the wizard
  • slotProps - Returns the slot props
  • startIndex - Returns the start index of the wizard
  • stepPercentage - Returns the step percentage
  • stepSize - Returns the step size
  • stepsClasses - Returns the steps classes
  • subtitle - Returns the subtitle of the wizard
  • tabCount - Returns the tab count
  • tabs - Returns the tabs
  • title - Returns the title of the wizard
  • transition - Returns the transition of the wizard
  • tryChangeRoute() - Tries to change the route
  • validateBeforeChange(oldIndex, newIndex) - Validates the tab change
  • validateOnBack - Returns if the validation should be done on back

!> It's advised to use only the methods above, since the methods which are not listed here are internal and might change or get removed over time.


Here is an example of how to use the methods:(Option API)

export default {
  methods: {
    nextTab() {
    prevTab() {
    reset() {
    <button @click="nextTab">Next</button>
    <button @click="prevTab">Prev</button>
    <button @click="reset">Reset</button>
  <form-wizard ref="wizard">
    <tab-content title="Personal Info" icon="ti-user">
      <!-- form content -->
       Form content 1
    <tab-content title="Address" icon="ti-map">
      <!-- form content -->
         Form content 2
    <tab-content title="Review" icon="ti-check">
      <!-- form content -->
            Form content 3

Here is an example of how to use the methods:(Composition API)

import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    const wizard = ref(null)
    const nextTab = () => {
    const prevTab = () => {
    const reset = () => {
    return {
    <button @click="nextTab">Next</button>
    <button @click="prevTab">Prev</button>
    <button @click="reset">Reset</button>
  <form-wizard ref="wizard">
    <tab-content title="Personal Info" icon="ti-user">
      <!-- form content -->
       Form content 1
    <tab-content title="Address" icon="ti-map">
      <!-- form content -->
         Form content 2
    <tab-content title="Review" icon="ti-check">
      <!-- form content -->
            Form content 3

Here is an example of how to use the methods navigate to tab:(Composition API)

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const formWizard = ref(null)
const navigateToTab = (index) => {
  <button @click="navigateToTab(1)">Navigate to tab 2</button>
  <form-wizard ref="formWizard">
    <tab-content title="Personal Info" icon="ti-user">
      <!-- form content -->
       Form content 1
    <tab-content title="Address" icon="ti-map">
      <!-- form content -->
         Form content 2
    <tab-content title="Review" icon="ti-check">
      <!-- form content -->
            Form content 3
Last Updated:
Contributors: parsajiravand